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Petitioners carefully review the Commutation Information and Instructions, as well as the Privacy Statement prior to submitting a Petition for Commutation of Sentence form and any supporting documentation to this office.


 According to Bureau of Prisons Program Statement 1330.15, an inmate may request from the inmate's case manager the appropriate forms (and instructions) for filing a petition for commutation of sentence. If your loved one case manager is not cooperative print and mail.


BOP staff will suggest that an inmate who wishes to submit a petition for commutation of sentence do so through the Warden to the U.S. Pardon Attorney.  


This procedure allows institution staff to forward with the application the necessary supplemental information (for example, sentencing information, presentence report, progress report, and pertinent medical records if the petition involves the inmate's health, etc.)


Be advised if you loved one is seeking executive clemency by pardon, reprieve, commutation of sentence, or remission of fine shall execute a formal petition.  The petition should be addressed to the President of the United States and should be submitted to the Pardon Attorney via email at or by U.S. Postal Service to, Department of Justice, Office of the Pardon Attorney, Washington, D.C. 20530, except for petitions relating to military offenses.  


The website at has a wealth of information about various topics, including but not limited to downloadable pardon and commutation petitions and instructions, rules governing petitions, standards for consideration, clemency statistics, a list of the more recent denials and grants by the President, and responses to various frequently asked questions.   Each petition for executive clemency should include the information required in the form prescribed by the Attorney General.

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